Three years ago, my friend, Caleb, suggested that I write a book to tell my story and share more about what I’ve learned about the multifamily space. Less than 2 weeks later I sent him the draft of my ebook, “Next-Level Income”. Early last year, in 2020, I decided to have the book published and not only updated the book to include more recent data, but also added chapter 3, “Your Opportunity Fund”. It was a fun process and I found out it was published the week COVID lockdowns started. I decided I would spend my downtime promoting my book (and giving it away to our subscribers and investors).
Later in the year, I decided to record the audio version and I’m excited to share it with you to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the release of my book.
If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, you can get a free copy of both, by clicking the link below. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to forward this to a friend. My goal is to get it in the hands of as many people as possible to share my story and how financial freedom is possible to anyone if you have the right plan in place.
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